Whatsapp Messages / Friendship

Mohammad Ali Khan

If You Are Angry With Your Lovable Friend;

If you are angry with your lovable friend;

Just put aside you egos;

Just hug each other and say;

"I need you idiot, at least to fight with me."

· 0 Like · Dec 02, 2014 at 00:12
Category: Friendship
Whatsapp Messages / Love

Imran Khan

What Is The Difference Between Blood And You?

What is the difference between blood and you?

Blood enters the heart and flows out but you entered the heart and stayed.

· 0 Like · Dec 01, 2014 at 22:12
Category: Love
Whatsapp Messages / Law And Lawyers

Yousuf Ahmed

Lawyer: You Say You're Divorcing Your Husband For Health Reasons?

Lawyer: You say you're divorcing your husband for health reasons?

Woman: Yes, I'm sick of him!

· 0 Like · Dec 01, 2014 at 19:12
Category: Law-and-Lawyers
Whatsapp Messages / Good Morning

Mahrukh Nida

Life Is Like A Cotton.

Life is like a cotton.

Don't make it heavier by dipping it in the water of sorrow;

But make it lighter by blowing it in the joy of air.

Good Morning!

· 1 Like · Dec 01, 2014 at 17:12
Category: Good-Morning
Whatsapp Messages / April Fool Pranks

Seddiq Al Khan

Attach two way tape to a long piece of toilet paper and l...

Attach two way tape to a long piece of toilet paper and leave it on the floor for your victim to step on.

· 0 Like · Dec 01, 2014 at 15:12
Category: April-Fool-Pranks
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Rumana Shahzad

Weekdays Are For Working And Weekends Are For Living.

Weekdays are for working and weekends are for living.

Have a nice weekend, full of life!

· 0 Like · Dec 01, 2014 at 13:12
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Good Day

Obaid Kayani

Squeeze The Past Like A Sponge, Smell The Present Like A Ros...

Squeeze the past like a sponge, smell the present like a rose, and send a kiss to the future. Gud Day!

· 0 Like · Dec 01, 2014 at 10:12
Category: Good-Day
Whatsapp Messages / Love

Abdul Jabbar

I Want To Live In Your Eyes Not As A Dream But As A Sight;

I want to live in your eyes not as a Dream but as a Sight;

I want to live in your mind not as an Idea but as a Memory;

I want to live in your heart not as Blood but as a Beat;

I want to live in your body not as a Soul but as a Feeling;

I want to live in your life not as a Lover but as a reason of Living!

· 0 Like · Dec 01, 2014 at 08:12
Category: Love
Whatsapp Messages / Flirt

Shaheen Fatima

I Wonder If You Think Of Me Like I Think Of You!

I wonder if you think of me like I think of you!

· 0 Like · Dec 01, 2014 at 06:12
Category: Flirt
'If I Stay' Trailer
Posted by Hollywood Movie Trailers
Posted on : Sep 25, 2017

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