Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Abid Aqeel

When People Hurt You Over And Over Again, Think Of Them As A Sandpaper.

When people hurt you over and over again, think of them as a sandpaper.

They may scratch and hurt you but it's you - who'll turn up shining and polished, while they'll end up useless!

Have a nice weekend!

· 1 Like · Dec 19, 2014 at 14:12
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Ali Awan Malik

When Things Aren't Adding Up In Your Life, Start Subtracting The Problems And Some People From Your Life.

When things aren't adding up in your life, start subtracting the problems and some people from your life.

have a nice weekend!

· 0 Like · Dec 13, 2014 at 18:12
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Rumana Shahzad

Weekdays Are For Working And Weekends Are For Living.

Weekdays are for working and weekends are for living.

Have a nice weekend, full of life!

· 0 Like · Dec 01, 2014 at 13:12
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Maria Waheed

Happiness Is A Crazy Mathematics, Because It Multiplies When One Starts Dividing It!

Happiness is a crazy mathematics, because it multiplies when one starts dividing it!

Have a very happy weekend!

· 0 Like · Nov 19, 2014 at 08:11
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Meena Kumari

Weekends Are An Excellent Time When You Use Mouth To Eat And Drink... And Not To Talk.

Weekends are an excellent time when you use mouth to eat and drink... and not to talk.

Have a relaxing weekend!

· 0 Like · Nov 15, 2014 at 19:11
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Maria Waheed

Count Your Blessings Not The Calories;

Count your blessings not the calories;

Weigh your options not your self worth;

And starve your self-hatred, not your body;

Hate the disorder and not yourself.

Have a rocking weekend!

· 0 Like · Oct 27, 2014 at 12:10
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Shabana Gul

Never Try To Be Better Than Anyone Else;

Never try to be better than anyone else;

But never stop trying to be the best you can be!

Have a nice weekend!

· 0 Like · Oct 23, 2014 at 10:10
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Mehwish Shahzadi

Your Competitor Can Copy Your Work But Not Your Passion.

Your competitor can copy your WORK but not your PASSION.

Have a passionate weekend!

· 1 Like · Oct 22, 2014 at 20:10
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Haseeb Naqbi

Of All The Days That's In The Week

Of all the days that's in the week

I dearly love but one day

And that's the day that comes betwixt

A Saturday and Monday.

~ Henry Carey

Have a nice weekend!

· 0 Like · Oct 22, 2014 at 12:10
Category: Nice-Weekend
Whatsapp Messages / Nice Weekend

Faisal Razzaq

People Are Like Mobiles. Mobiles Have Chargers And People Have Weekends.

People are like mobiles. Mobiles have chargers and people have weekends.

Have a recharging weekend!

· 0 Like · Oct 22, 2014 at 05:10
Category: Nice-Weekend
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