Whatsapp Messages / Education

Anmol Rubab

Life In School:

Life in School:

Most irritating moment: Morning alarm

Most dreadful journey: Way to class

Most tragic moment: Surprise test in 1st period

Most wonderful news: Teacher is absent

· 0 Like · Nov 29, 2014 at 09:11
Category: Education
Whatsapp Messages / Funny

Abdul Sattar

Statistics Show That 25% Of Women In The World Are On Medication For Mental Illness...

Statistics show that 25% of women in the world are on medication for mental illness...

That's bloody scary, it means 75% are moving around with no medication at all!

· 0 Like · Nov 29, 2014 at 07:11
Category: Funny
Whatsapp Messages / Ramadan

Madiha Shahid

The Holy Month Of Ramadan Has Begun;

The holy month of Ramadan has begun;

To cleanse our souls and keep evil at bay;

Time to praise Allah through the day;

From dawn to dusk we fast and pray.

Let's pay Zakah (charity) for those in need,

And remember all the year to do good deeds.

Wishing you a pious and blessful Ramadan!

· 0 Like · Nov 29, 2014 at 05:11
Category: Ramadan
Whatsapp Messages / Good Night

Haseeb Naqbi

Don't Just Sleep, Dream. Don't Just Think, Feel. Don't Just Exist, Live.

Don't just sleep, dream. Don't just think, feel. Don't just exist, live.

Good Night!

· 0 Like · Nov 29, 2014 at 02:11
Category: Good-Night
Whatsapp Messages / Missing You

Alishba Khan

I Miss You More Today Than I Did Yesterday.

I miss you more today than I did yesterday.
But I'll miss you more tomorrow than I do today!

· 0 Like · Nov 29, 2014 at 00:11
Category: Missing-You
Whatsapp Messages / Friendship

Amnah Khan

Old Friends Are Gold; new Friends Are Diamond; if You Get ...

Old friends are gold;
New friends are diamond;
If you get a diamond;
Don't forget the gold;
Because to hold a diamond;
You always need a base of gold.

· 1 Like · Nov 28, 2014 at 22:11
Category: Friendship
Whatsapp Messages / Rajinikanth

Babar Ali

Dear Rajnikanth,

Dear Rajnikanth,

Please switch off your AC.


North Indians.

· 0 Like · Nov 28, 2014 at 20:11
Category: Rajinikanth
Whatsapp Messages / Tongue Twisters

Mahrukh Nida

Can You Can A Can As A Canner Can Can A Can?

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

· 0 Like · Nov 28, 2014 at 18:11
Category: Tongue-Twisters
Whatsapp Messages / Good Morning

Arsalan Ahmed

Life Isn't Qualified By The Brand Of Clothes We Wear;

Life isn't qualified by the brand of clothes we wear;

Or car we drive;

It's measured by the number of faces who smile when they hear our name.

Good Morning!

· 0 Like · Nov 28, 2014 at 15:11
Category: Good-Morning
DIY Sweater Pillows.
Posted by bilal ahmed khan
Posted on : Nov 27, 2015

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