Whatsapp Messages / Marriage

Shabana Gul

Wife: Don't You Have Simple Manners. I Have Been Speaking For Hours And You Keep On Yawning.

Wife: Don't you have simple manners. I have been speaking for hours and you keep on yawning.

Husband: I'm not yawning... I'm simply trying to say something!

· 0 Like · Nov 13, 2014 at 20:11
Category: Marriage
Whatsapp Messages / Best Of Luck

Sanam Baloch

I Wish A Wish For You;

I wish a wish for you;

It's a wish I wish for few;

The wish I wish for you is that;

May all your wishes come true.

So keep wishing as my best wishes are always with you!

· 0 Like · Nov 13, 2014 at 18:11
Category: Best-of-Luck
Whatsapp Messages / Santabanta

Abdul Basit

Banta: In A Party, How Does Every Non Veg Joke Start?

Banta: In a party, how does every non-veg joke start?

Santa: By looking over your shoulder.

· 0 Like · Nov 13, 2014 at 16:11
Category: SantaBanta
Whatsapp Messages / Missing You

Babar Ali

Every Tear Is A Sign Of Brokenness, Every Silence Is A Sign ...

Every tear is a sign of brokenness, every silence is a sign of loneliness, every smile is a sign of kindness, every SMS is a sign of rememberance. Miss U!

· 0 Like · Nov 13, 2014 at 13:11
Category: Missing-You
Whatsapp Messages / Funny

Yousuf Ahmed

One Day God Erased A Husband's Memory & Asked: Do You Remember Anyone Now?

One day God erased a husband's memory & asked: Do you remember anyone now?

He told his wife`s name.

God smiled and said: Reformatted, but still the virus is not removed.

· 0 Like · Nov 13, 2014 at 11:11
Category: Funny
Whatsapp Messages / Flirt

Mahrukh Nida

There Are Tulips In My Garden, There Are Tulips In The Park ...

There are Tulips in my garden, there are Tulips in the park but nothing is more beautiful then our two lips meeting in the dark!

· -1 Like · Nov 13, 2014 at 09:11
Category: Flirt
Whatsapp Messages / Tongue Twisters

Haseeb Raza

Feel A Feel, A Funny Feel And A Funny Feel,

Feel A Feel, A Funny Feel And A Funny Feel,

A Feel And If You Feel The Feel,

I Feel.I Feel You Feel The Feel, I Feel.

· -1 Like · Nov 13, 2014 at 07:11
Category: Tongue-Twisters
Whatsapp Messages / Friendship

Nadeem Moti



(F)ight for you.

(R)espect you.

(I)nvolve you.

(E)ncourage you.

(N)eed you.

(D)eserve you.

(S)ave you.

· 0 Like · Nov 13, 2014 at 04:11
Category: Friendship
Whatsapp Messages / Funny

Omar Hassan

A Telecom Operator Went To A Doctor To Get A Cure Of Diarrhea(loose Motions).

A telecom operator went to a doctor to get a cure of diarrhea(loose motions).

Dr: What's your problem?

Operator: Unlimited free outgoing with a variety of ring tones!

· -1 Like · Nov 13, 2014 at 02:11
Category: Funny

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