Whatsapp Messages / Jeetopreeto
Abid Aqeel
Jeeto: My Daughter Is Getting So Popular.
Jeeto: My daughter is getting so popular.
Preeto: How do you really claim that?
Jeeto: She comes home with a different guy every night!
Preeto: How do you really claim that?
Jeeto: She comes home with a different guy every night!
0 Like ·
Dec 15, 2014 at 21:12
Category: JeetoPreeto
Whatsapp Messages / Wise Words
Fayyaz Karimi
Asking For Forgiveness Regularly:
Asking for FORGIVENESS regularly:
From God
From others
And from oneself, cleanses us!
From God
From others
And from oneself, cleanses us!
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Dec 15, 2014 at 19:12
Category: Wise-Words
Whatsapp Messages / Wise Words
Abdul Waheed
The Impossible Can Always Be Broken Down Into Possibilities.
The impossible can always be broken down into possibilities.
0 Like ·
Dec 15, 2014 at 17:12
Category: Wise-Words
Whatsapp Messages / Pranks
Mohammad Afzal
Five Facts About You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You
Five facts about You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You
1. You're so lazy You didn't read all the Yous.
2. You didn't notice I put a Yoo.
3. You are now looking to find out.
4. You are laughing because you realize there is no 'Yoo' and you've been tricked.
5. You are going to forward this to others who are like 'YOU'!
1. You're so lazy You didn't read all the Yous.
2. You didn't notice I put a Yoo.
3. You are now looking to find out.
4. You are laughing because you realize there is no 'Yoo' and you've been tricked.
5. You are going to forward this to others who are like 'YOU'!
0 Like ·
Dec 15, 2014 at 15:12
Category: Pranks
Whatsapp Messages / Funny
Asfand Yar
Murphy's Law Of Combat:
Murphy's Law of Combat:
Never forget that your weapon was manufactured by the lowest bidder!
Never forget that your weapon was manufactured by the lowest bidder!
0 Like ·
Dec 15, 2014 at 12:12
Category: Funny
Whatsapp Messages / Blondes
Nimrah Butt
Q: What Did The Blonde Driver Say When She Ran Out Of Gas?
Q: What did the blonde driver say when she ran out of gas?
A: Will it hurt the car if I drive with an empty tank?
A: Will it hurt the car if I drive with an empty tank?
0 Like ·
Dec 15, 2014 at 10:12
Category: Blondes
Whatsapp Messages / Santabanta
Mooria Ul Ain
Banta: If A Tiger Attacks Your Mother In Law And Your Wife at The Same Time, Whom Would You Save?
Banta: If a tiger attacks your mother-in-law and your wife
at the same time, whom would you save?
Santa: Of course, the tiger.
Banta: But why?
Santa: Very few are left!
at the same time, whom would you save?
Santa: Of course, the tiger.
Banta: But why?
Santa: Very few are left!
1 Like ·
Dec 15, 2014 at 08:12
Category: SantaBanta
Whatsapp Messages / Marriage
Amna Obaid
Everytime I Try To Make My Marriage More Exciting, My Wife S...
Everytime I try to make my marriage more exciting, my wife somehow finds it out!
3 Like ·
Dec 15, 2014 at 06:12
Category: Marriage
Whatsapp Messages / Cricket
Hira Chaudhry
If Sachin Is God Then Gayle Is Godzilla!
If Sachin is God then Gayle is Godzilla!
1 Like ·
Dec 15, 2014 at 03:12
Category: Cricket
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