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Sms / Ghazal


Jo Meri aankhon se Khuwab dekho
Tou Aik shab bhi na So sako Gay

K Laakh Chaho Na Hans sako gay
Hazaar chaho na Ro Sako gay

K Khuwab kya hain Azaab Hain yeh
Mere Dukhon ki kitaab hain yeh

Rifaqatain In main Chotti hain
Mohabbatain in main Roothti hain

Pinapti Hain In main Vahshatain see
Aziatain In main Photti hain

Un hi ke Dar se Khizaan Hain Jazbay
Un hi se shakhain see totti hain

Ghamon ki Bandish hain Khuaab mere
Ahal Raha hai Dukhon ka Lava

Rahein Aatish hain khuwab Mere
Khayal sare Jhulas gaye hain

Sulagti Khuahish hain khuaab Mere
Ukharrti Sansain hain Zindagi ki

Lahu ki Sazish hain Khuaab Mere

Jo Meri aankhon se Khuaab dekho
Tou Aik shab bhi na So sako Gay!

· 4 Like · Dec 30, 2014 at 13:12
Category: ghazal

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