Jokes / Miscellaneous

Zahid Mahmood

Little Johnny walks up to his Aunt and says , -my God, Aunt Edna why are
you so damn ugly?- His mother overhears this, pulls Johnny into the kitchen. and screams,
-how ould you say that your aunt is so damn ugly!- -Because she is,- says Little Johnny.
His mother says, -You go back in there and apologize to her, right now! I mean
it, go tell her that you-re sorry!-
Little Johnny goes into the living room, walks over to his aunt and says, -Aunt Edna, I am
sorry you-re so damn ugly.-

· 0 Like · Oct 18, 2018 at 19:10
Category: miscellaneous
Pyari Bachio
Posted by iJunoon
Posted on : Jan 07, 2018

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