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It seems that God received a delegation of animals complaining of their lot. They were an elephant, a giraffe, and a hen.
The elephant complained, ""Lord, I HATE THIS TRUNK YOU have given me. It gets in the way, and makes me look like a fool!""
The Lord said, ""Don-t complain. It lets you pick up food, drink water, etc. without getting wet!""
Next the giraffe complained, ""Lord, I HATE THIS LONG NECK! It makes me top heavy, I get terrible neck pains, and people laugh at me!""
The Lord said, ""Don-t complain. It lets you pick the best fruit and leaves from the high branches, and allows you to see a distance.""
The hen spoke up, ""Lord, I don-t want to complain, but either let me have a bigger hole or smaller eggs.""


· 1 Like · Apr 17, 2007 at 02:04
Category: uncategorized

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