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Abdul Qadeer

Businessman From : Pakistan
Followers : 0   Total Updates : 53
Member Since : Mar 17, 2014
Sms / Sardar

Abdul Qadeer

The Helper

once a sardar g was going somewhere that he found in the way a burning house,, so he decided to give his help.... he ran and suddenly he brought about six persons which were in the house.. he was so proud to rescue them but after it besides of awarding he was taken up by the police.....
because the six persons he brought outside were of firebregade
ha ha ha

· 2 Like · May 17, 2015 at 10:05
Category: sardar
Sms / Marital Woes

Abdul Qadeer

Just Before I Die

Showing his friend around his home, Jennings pointed out all of the collectibles he and his wife had acquired over their long years of marriage.

The day before I die, I--d like to sell every piece we--ve got just to see how much it--s all worth.

Well, his friend replies, since you couldn--t possibly know the day before you were going to die, you--ll never be able to sell!

And that--s where you--re wrong, the man smiled. If I sell it, my wife would kill me!

· 3 Like · May 15, 2015 at 13:05
Category: marital-woes
Sms / Santa Banta

Abdul Qadeer

Worries And Troubles

Santa--s Girlfriend: When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden.

Santa: It--s very kind of you, darling, But I don--t have any worries or troubles.

Santa--s Girlfriend: Well that--s because we aren--t married yet.

· 1 Like · Apr 26, 2015 at 10:04
Category: santa-banta
Sms / Friendship

Abdul Qadeer

***f R I E N D S H I P****

Friendship is not a word to say...
Friendship is not a game to play...
Friendship does not start on March and not ends on May. It is Yesterday, tomorrow and today.

· 1 Like · Apr 13, 2015 at 21:04
Category: friendship
Sms / Love

Abdul Qadeer

Golden Facts Of Life

Golden Facts of Life:-When someone loves U, u don--t realise it...When U realise it, it--s too late... U always luv the one who leaves U & leave the one who loves U.

· 1 Like · Feb 17, 2015 at 05:02
Category: love
Sms / Missing You

Abdul Qadeer

Miss Me

9 Lessons In Life,,Learn To Care,,To Smile,,To Cry,,To Give,,To Forgive,,To Share,,To Trust
To Love And To Say You Miss Me

· 1 Like · Feb 11, 2015 at 17:02
Category: Missing You
Whatsapp Messages / Marriage

Abdul Qadeer

You Don't Marry One Person, You Marry Three:

You don't marry one person, you marry three:

The person you think they are;

The person they are;

And the person they are going to become as a result of being married to you!

· 0 Like · Dec 17, 2014 at 23:12
Category: Marriage
Whatsapp Messages / Good Day

Abdul Qadeer

One Should Always Take Care Of 3 Things In Life:

One should always take care of 3 things in Life:

Promise, Love and Friendship

Because they don't make noise; but when they break, they create silence in your life.

Good day!

· 0 Like · Dec 05, 2014 at 23:12
Category: Good-Day
Whatsapp Messages / Facebook

Abdul Qadeer

I Failed My Driver`s Test. The Guy Asked Me, `what Do You Do...

I failed my driver`s test. The guy asked me, `what do you do at a red light?` I said, `I usually respond to texts, check my emails and Facebook`.

· 0 Like · Dec 05, 2014 at 14:12
Category: Facebook

Abdul Qadeer

Gender : Male
Country : Pakistan

Followers : 0  
Total Updates : 53
Member Since : Mar 17, 2014
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Hum ne Usay Chaha
Posted by samreen anjum
Posted on : Dec 11, 2015

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