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Mahrukh Nida

once a man was digging his garden. he saw a lamp as he washed the lamp a genie came out of the lamp and said? I am ur slave master and i will fulfill ur 3 wishes but whatever u ask,ur neighbor will get its double"".
the man, who hates his neighbor agrees. So he wishes for a 50 storey building. as he gets 50 storeys building his neighbor gets a 100 storey building.then he wishes for 50 most beautiful girls. As he gets 50 girls his neighbor gets 100.jelous of his neighbor he finally asks the genie to remove his one testicle.

· 2 Like · Aug 11, 2018 at 10:08
Category: miscellaneous
Posted by Simran Chaudhry
Posted on : Nov 18, 2015

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