News / Featured

Muzammil Shahzad

Mushtari K Chaand Se Paani K Zaraat Ka Ikhraaj

سائنسدانوں کا خیال ہے کہ سیارہ مشتری کے چاند یوروپا سے پانی کے بخارات کا اخراج ہو رہا ہے۔ واضح رہے کہ کہا جاتا ہے کہ نظام شمسی میں دوسری جگہوں کے مقابلے پر مشتری کے اس چاند میں زندگی پائے جانے کے زیا...
مزید پڑھیں

· 1 Like · Dec 14, 2013 at 11:12
Category: featured Tags: Water Jupiter
Food Recipes / Sweets


Fruit Salad In Watermelon Pram

· 1 Like · Aug 25, 2010 at 10:08
Category: sweets Tags: Water
Sms / Friendship

Shahbaz Ishaq

Which Most Costly Water

Do u know which most costly water in the world
Tear Bcoz Tear made of 1% water and 99% feelings

· 2 Like · Jun 06, 2012 at 20:06
Category: friendship Tags: Water
Sms / Bless

Shahbaz Ishaq

Water Drops Of Rain

AS water drops of rain come down from sky to earth, SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS from GOD come down,if we come to GOD's feet.

· 1 Like · May 24, 2012 at 20:05
Category: bless Tags: Water
Sms / Eid Mubarak

Shahbaz Ishaq

As Allah Waters His Creation

As Allah waters HIS Creation,
May HE also sprinkle HIS wonderous blessings over you
and your beloved ones.(Aameen). **EID MUBARAK**

· 1 Like · Nov 01, 2011 at 10:11
Category: eid-mubarak Tags: Allah Water
Sms / Encouragement

Shahbaz Ishaq

If A Drop Of Water

If a drop of water falls on a lake its identity is over, but if same water drop falls on a lotus leaf it shines like a pearl. The drop is the same but the company matters....

· 1 Like · Sep 09, 2011 at 15:09
Category: encouragement Tags: Water
Sms / Encouragement

Shahbaz Ishaq

Drop Of Water In Lake

Drop of water in lake has no identity, but it is falls on lotus, it shines like pearl. Choose best place where you can shine. Be a Pearl

· 1 Like · Sep 07, 2011 at 11:09
Category: encouragement Tags: Water
Sms / Eid Mubarak

Shahbaz Ishaq

As Allah Waters

As Allah waters HIS Creation,
May HE also sprinkle HIS wonderous
blessings over you and your beloved ones.

· 1 Like · Aug 27, 2011 at 09:08
Category: eid-mubarak Tags: Allah Water
Sms / Bless

Muzammil Shahzad

As Water Drops Of Rain

AS water drops of rain come down from sky to earth, SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS from GOD come down,if we come to GOD's feet.

· 1 Like · Dec 11, 2010 at 11:12
Category: bless Tags: Water
Sms / Quotes

A Drop Of Water

If a drop of water
falls in a lake there is no identity.
But if it falls on a leaf of lotus
it shines like a pearl.
So choose the best place
where u can shine.

· 1 Like · Jan 21, 2009 at 10:01
Category: quotes Tags: Water
Choo Cha - 'Paisa Yaar N Panga'
Posted by Punjabi Music Videos
Posted on : Sep 17, 2017

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