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Important Message
GOD wants to send an important message to the world. HE selects 3 VIPs whom HE thinks will cover the majority of the world population. HE selects and invites Jiang Zemin, Clinton and Bill Gates for a dinner. During dinner He told them: ""I need three important people to send my message out to all people. Tomorrow I will destroy the earth.""

Jiang Zemin immediately called together his cabinet and told them: ""I have two really BAD news items for you: 1) God really exists and 2) Tomorrow He will destroy the earth.""

Clinton called an emergency meeting of the Senate and Congress and told them: ""I have good news and bad news: 1) The GOOD news is that God really does exist 2) The BAD news is, tomorrow He is going to destroy the earth.""

Bill Gates went back to Microsoft and very happily announced: ""I have two fantastic announcements: 1) I am one of the three most important people on earth 2) The Year 2000 problem is solved.""

· 1 Like · Apr 17, 2007 at 02:04
Category: uncategorized

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Life without u is impossible, u r in my breath and blood. i cant stay for a
second without u, if u r not there i am dead.
oye hello
i am talking about OXYGEN


· 1 Like · Apr 17, 2007 at 02:04
Category: uncategorized

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