Sms / Ramazan

Waseem Mughal

In Ramzan:
UAE 60% discount on all food items!
Qatar every food item will sell on its cost price.
Kuwait 50% discount and buy 1 get 1 free on all food items
Saudia 30% discount on all food items
Bangladesh 5% discount
Pakistan 150% increase in the price of food items!
Sar Jhuka Kay Geo'

· 1 Like · Aug 24, 2010 at 11:08
Category: ramazan

Latest Posts in sms

Sms / Ramazan

Waseem Mughal

In Ramzan:
UAE 60% discount on all food items!
Qatar every food item will sell on its cost price.
Kuwait 50% discount and buy 1 get 1 free on all food items
Saudia 30% discount on all food items
Bangladesh 5% discount
Pakistan 150% increase in the price of food items!
Sar Jhuka Kay Geo...

· 1 Like · Aug 07, 2010 at 18:08
Category: ramazan

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Stop dreaming start owning
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