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Sms / Ghazal


Merey sabar ka na ley Imtehaan
Meri khaamoshi ko sadaa na dey
Jo terey baghair na jee sakey
Usey jeeney ki tou duaa na dey

Tu azeez Dil-o-nazar sey hai
Tu qareeb Rag-o-jaan sey hai
Merey Jissm-o-jaan ka yeh faisla
Kaheen waqat aur barha na dey

Tujhe bhol ke bhi na bhulaa sakoon
Tujhe chah ke bhi na pa sakoon
Meri hasraton ko shumaar kar
Meri chahaton ka silaa na dey

Wo tarap jo shula-e-jaan mein thi
Merey tan badan sey lypat gayi
Jo bujha sakey tou buja isey
Na bujha sakey tou hawa na dey

Tujhe agar milein kabhi fursatein
Meri shaam phir sey sanwaar dey
Agar qatal karna hai tou qatal kar
Yoon judayioon ki saza na dey...

· 2 Like · Dec 30, 2014 at 09:12
Category: ghazal

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