Sms / Cool
Shahbaz Ishaq
Hard Times Are Like
Hard Times Are Like a Washing Machine,
They Twist,
Turn & Knock Us Around,
But In The End we Come Out
Cleaner, Brighter & Better Than Before...
They Twist,
Turn & Knock Us Around,
But In The End we Come Out
Cleaner, Brighter & Better Than Before...
1 Like ·
May 25, 2012 at 19:05
Category: cool
Sms / Break Up
Shahbaz Ishaq
Forget The Times
Forget The Times He Walked By,
Forget The Times He Made You Cry,
Forget The Times He Spoke Your Name,
Remember Now Your Not The Same.
Forget The Times He Held Your Hand,
Forget The Sweet Things If You Can,
Forget The Times nd Don't Pretend,
Remember Now He's Just Your Friend.
Forget The Times He Made You Cry,
Forget The Times He Spoke Your Name,
Remember Now Your Not The Same.
Forget The Times He Held Your Hand,
Forget The Sweet Things If You Can,
Forget The Times nd Don't Pretend,
Remember Now He's Just Your Friend.
1 Like ·
May 21, 2012 at 19:05
Category: break-up
Sms / Kiss
Shahbaz Ishaq
Kissing U 111100000000 Times
i seeyou in my dreams,
i feel like kissing u 111100000000 times
i seeyou in my dreams,
i feel like kissing u 111100000000 times
3 Like ·
Oct 31, 2011 at 08:10
Category: kiss
Sms / Forget
Shahbaz Ishaq
Forget The Times
Forget the times he walked by,
Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name,
Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand,
Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & don't pretend,
Remember now he's just your friend.
Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name,
Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand,
Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & don't pretend,
Remember now he's just your friend.
2 Like ·
Oct 26, 2011 at 12:10
Category: forget
Sms / Forget
Shahbaz Ishaq
Forget The Times
Forget the times he walked by,
Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name,
Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand,
Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & don't pretend,
Remember now he's just your friend
Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name,
Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand,
Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & don't pretend,
Remember now he's just your friend
1 Like ·
Sep 22, 2011 at 11:09
Category: forget
Sms / Romantic
Shahbaz Ishaq
Some Times My Eyes
Sometimes My eyes get jealous of my Heart!!!
You Know Why?
You Always Remain close to my HEART
n far from my EYES.
You Know Why?
You Always Remain close to my HEART
n far from my EYES.
1 Like ·
Jul 20, 2011 at 09:07
Category: romantic
Sms / Wise Words
Shahbaz Ishaq
Some Times Prayer
Some times prayer dose not change the situation,
but it changes our attitude towards the situation
& gives us hope which chnges our entire life.
but it changes our attitude towards the situation
& gives us hope which chnges our entire life.
1 Like ·
Jul 05, 2011 at 12:07
Category: wise-words
Sms / Break Up
Some Times I Wish I Had Never Met You
Sometimes I wish I had never met you
because then I could go to sleep at night
not knowing there was someone like you out there.
because then I could go to sleep at night
not knowing there was someone like you out there.
1 Like ·
Apr 06, 2011 at 11:04
Category: break-up
Sms / Valentines Day
Waseem Mughal
I Have Fallen In Love Many Times
I have fallen in love many times.... always with you. It happened again now my love.
1 Like ·
Feb 07, 2011 at 09:02
Category: valentines-day
Tags: Love
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