Whatsapp Messages / International Women`s Day

Sadaf Faiz

A MAN is void without the existence of a strong ally in WOMAN in every stage of life - starting from Mother to Sister to Beloved to Wife and finally to a Daughter!

A MAN is void without the existence of a strong ally in WOMAN in every stage of life - starting from Mother to Sister to Beloved to Wife and finally to a Daughter!

Happy Women's day!

· 0 Like · Dec 16, 2014 at 15:12
Category: International-Women`s-Day
Whatsapp Messages / International Women`s Day

Waqas Moti

A Caring Mother;

A caring mother;

A loving daughter;

A doting grandmother;

An affectionate sister;

An all weather friend;

But why always an angry wife?




Angry... but caring, loving, doting, affectionate and friendly companion!

Happy Women's Day!

· 1 Like · Oct 18, 2014 at 09:10
Category: International-Women`s-Day
Whatsapp Messages / International Women`s Day

Sadaf Faiz

Women Have Amazing Strength. They Can Handle Trouble And Carry Heavy Burdens Without Batting An Eyelid. She Not Only Manages Her Family, She Manages All The Daily Chores With Elan.

Women have amazing strength. They can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens without batting an eyelid. She not only manages her family, she manages all the daily chores with elan.

Salute to all the women of the world!

Happy Women's Day!

· 0 Like · Oct 18, 2014 at 06:10
Category: International-Women`s-Day
Whatsapp Messages / International Women`s Day

Kashif Mali

Wish You A Very Happy Women's Day!

Wish you a very happy women's day!

It's you who's made the difference in so many lives; and I am one of them.

Have an empowered life and a wonderful day!

· 0 Like · Oct 12, 2014 at 09:10
Category: international-women`s-day
Hina Rabbani Khar
Posted by iJunoon
Posted on : Apr 10, 2018

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