Whatsapp Messages / Doctors
Abdulla Amin
A Surgeon Went To Visit His Twin Brother, A Vicar, At A Parish. During His Morning Walk A Parishioner, Mistaking Him For The Vicar, Congratulated Him On His Sermon.
A surgeon went to visit his twin brother, a vicar, at a parish. During his morning walk a parishioner, mistaking him for the vicar, congratulated him on his sermon.
"Sorry," replied the surgeon. "I am not the twin who preaches, I am the one who practices."
"Sorry," replied the surgeon. "I am not the twin who preaches, I am the one who practices."
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Nov 20, 2014 at 15:11
Category: Doctors
Whatsapp Messages / Doctors
Mian Chandio
Patient: Doctor, I'm Having Trouble With My Breathing.
Patient: Doctor, I'm having trouble with my breathing.
Doctor: I'll give you something that will soon put a stop to that.
Doctor: I'll give you something that will soon put a stop to that.
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Nov 06, 2014 at 21:11
Category: Doctors
Whatsapp Messages / Doctors
Abdul Qaddoos
Patient: I Feel So Sick I Wish I Could Die.
Patient: I feel so sick I wish I could die.
Doctor: Don't worry. I'll take care of that!
Doctor: Don't worry. I'll take care of that!
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Oct 24, 2014 at 08:10
Category: Doctors
Whatsapp Messages / Doctors
Abid Aqeel
Doctor: Madam, Your Cheque Came Back.
Doctor: Madam, your cheque came back.
Woman: So did my arthritis!
Woman: So did my arthritis!
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Oct 23, 2014 at 02:10
Category: Doctors
Whatsapp Messages / Doctors
Fayyaz Karimi
Doctors After Operation And Students After Exam Both Tell Th...
Doctors after operation and students after exam both tell the same answer;
We tried our best;
Can't say anything right now!
We tried our best;
Can't say anything right now!
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Oct 17, 2014 at 01:10
Category: Doctors
Whatsapp Messages / Doctors
Abdul Jabbar
Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I'can't Stop Stealing Things.
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I'can't stop stealing things.
Doctor: Take these pills for a week and if they don't work, get me a 42-inch flat screen TV!
Doctor: Take these pills for a week and if they don't work, get me a 42-inch flat screen TV!
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Oct 15, 2014 at 04:10
Category: Doctors
Whatsapp Messages / Doctors
Obaidullah Khan
Two old men were sitting in bar.
Two old men were sitting in bar.
One said to other, "My wife's a mess. She has gonorrhoea, diarrhoea and ascariasis."
"Why do you stay with her?" said the other.
"Because I love to fish and she has great worms."
One said to other, "My wife's a mess. She has gonorrhoea, diarrhoea and ascariasis."
"Why do you stay with her?" said the other.
"Because I love to fish and she has great worms."
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Oct 13, 2014 at 10:10
Category: Doctors
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