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There is this good ol-- barber in some city in US. One day a florist goes to him for a haircut. After the cut, he goes to pay the barber and the barber replies, I am sorry, I cannot accept money from you. I am doing a community service.
The florist is happy and leaves the shop. The next morning when the barber goes to open his shop, there is a Thank You card and a dozen roses waiting at his doorstep. A cop goes for a haircut next and when he goes to pay the barber, the latter replies, I am sorry, I cannot accept money from you. I am doing a community service.
The cop is happy and leaves the shop. The next morning when the barber goes to open his shop, there is a Thank You card and a dozen donuts waiting at his doorstep. An Indian software engineer goes for a haircut after that and while paying, the barber tells him, I am sorry, I cannot accept money from you. I am doing a community service.
The next morning, when the barber goes to open his shop, guess what he finds there!
A dozen Indians waiting for a free haircut!

· 1 Like · Apr 17, 2007 at 02:04
Category: uncategorized

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