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Sms / Love


The night was dark, the moon was high,
I stopped my car....u wondered why?
I leant so close, u felt shy.
I uttered those three words....
I ......la.......puncture !!

Friends r like mirrors, they r our reflection.
You r damn lucky I look good !!!!

You = cute
You = hot
You = sweet
You = intelligent
You = amazing
You = perfect
Me = liar.

I have a confession to make, ever since I have known u,
Its kinda hard for me to forget u.
Every night u appear in my dreams, And I find my self shouting.....

I look at the stars, the stars r beautiful
Then I look at you......
I ......
I .......
I rather look at the stars again. *****

U r 100% beautiful, u r 100% lucky
u r 100% sweet , u r 100% nice, and u r 100% stupid to believe these words

Good looking people r hard to find.
That-s why u don-t ......
That-s y u don-t see me often.

when u feel sad....
To cheer up just go to the mirror and say, ""damn I am really sooo cute"" u will overcome ur sadness.
But don-t make this a habit.....
Coz liars go to hell !!!!

Jassi singh tells his gf, ""come home tomorrow, no one will b at home.""
When she goes the next day to his home....... There was NO ONE at home.

What frustrates the sardarji when his wife delivers twins???
He wonders who is the father of the second child.

WIFE : "" I wish I was a newspaper, so I-d be in ur hands all day.""
HUSBAND : "" I too wish that u were a newspaper, so I could have a new one everyday.""

A SARDARJI is in the library , he bangs down a book and says :"" too boring, too many characters and no story"".
LIBRARIAN says : oh! U r the one who took the phone directory away??

God created ME to b ur friend. He picked ME out from all the REST coz he knows I am ....well one of the BEST.
AHEM !! don-t argue with God now.

I was born intelligent
education ruined me.

One should love animals.
They are so tasty.

""Your future depends on your dreams""
So go to sleep

The more you learn, the more you know,
The more you know, the more you forget
The more you forget, the less you know
So.. why learn.

hard work never killed anybody...""
but y take the risk..!
milk is milk n butter is butter if u forget me den jump in the gutter

· 1 Like · Apr 17, 2007 at 02:04
Category: love Tags: Funny

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