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Once a boy was on the road, suddenly he saw a beautiful woman standing at the bus stop waiting for a bus,alone. the man thought that this was his lucky day so he stopped his car near her and asked her to have a ride with him. she was also in a hurry so she accepted his invitation. the boy turned his car to a five star hotel for a tea. the girl ,knowing all this, said to the boy lovingly dear,i just want to say THREE words to you-- the boy was very happy that she will say I LOVE YOU to him and then thay will kiss but the girl said to him KISS MY ASS and leave the car. ha ha ha .....
IF YOU like THIS THEN CALL ME ON MY CELL 0300-4684864 or mail me at waiting4u5001@yahoo.com

· 1 Like · Apr 17, 2007 at 02:04
Category: love

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