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Poetry / Sad

Wo Jo DawayDaar hAi Shehar Mein Ke Sabhi Ka Nabz Shanaas hOon
Kabhii Aa Kay mUjh Say tO POochta Ke Mein Kis Kay Gham Mein Udaas hOOn

Yeh Meri Kitaab-e-Hayaat hAi Isey Dil Kii Aankh Say Parh Zara
Main Warq Warq Teray Samney Teray rOoBarOo Teray Pass hOon

Yeh Teri Umeed Ko Kya hUa Kabhi tu Nay GhOr Nahi Kia ?
Kisi Shaam tu Nay Kaha tO Tha Teri Saans hOon Teri Aass hOon

Yeh Jo Shehar-e-Fun Mein Qayem hAi So Teray Tafail Hii Naam hAi
Meray Shair kyu Na Gudaaz hOn Ke Teray LabOn Ki Mithaas hOon

Yeh Teri jUdaii Ka Gham Nahii Ke Yeh SilSiley tO hAin Roz Kay
Teri Zaat es Ka Sabab Nahi Kaii Din Say yOon Hii Udaas hOon

Kisi Aur Aankh Say Dekh Kar mUjhey Aisey Waisey Laqab Na Dey
Tera Aitbaar hOon Jaan-e-Man Na Gumaan hOon Na Qayas hOon...!

· 1 Like · Jul 29, 2017 at 23:07
Category: sad

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Badalna Biwi Ka
Posted by aman ullah
Posted on : Feb 27, 2016

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