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Poetry / Sad

Muzammil Shahzad

juz qais, aur koi na aaya baraoo e kaar
sehra magar ba-tangi e chasm e husood tha
aashuftagi ne naqsh e sueda kiya durust
zaahir hua ke daagh ka sarmaaya dood tha
tha khwaab mein khyaal ko tujh se maamla
jab aankh khul gayi na ziyaan tha na sood tha
leta hoon maktab e gham e dil mein sabaq hunooz
lekin yehi ke "raft" gaya aur "bood" tha
dhaanpa kafan ne daagh e ayoob e barhangi
main, verna har libaas mein nang e wajood tha
teshay baghair mar na saka kohkan, asad!
sargashta e khumaar e rusoom o qyood tha.

· 1 Like · Jan 12, 2018 at 13:01
Category: sad

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