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Poetry / General

Muzammil Shahzad

naqsh faryaadi hai kis ki shokhi e tehreer ka
kaaghzi hai pairahan har paikar e tasveer ka
kaav kaav e sakht jaani haaye tanhaayi na pooch
subha karna shaam ka, laana hai joo e sheer ka
jazba e be-ikhtiyaar e shouq dekha chahiye
seena e shamsheer se baahar hai dam shamsheer ka
aagahi, daam e shuneedan jis qadar chahay bichhaye
muddua anqa hai apnay aalam e taqreer ka
bas ke hoon ghalib! aseeri mein bhi aatish zer e pa
moo e aatish deeda hai halqa meri zanjeer ka

· 1 Like · Jan 12, 2018 at 07:01
Category: general

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