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Poetry / Love


Shamm-e-mehfil ho k tu jab soz se khaali raha
Tere parwaane bhi is lazzat se begaane rahe

Rishta-e-ulfat mein jab in ko piro sakta tha tu
Phir pareshaaN kiyuN teri tasbeeh k daane rahe

Shauq-e-beparvaa gaya, fikr-e-falak paimaa gaya
Teri mehfil mein na diwaane na farzaane rahe

Wo jigar sozi nahi, wo shola aashaami nahi
Faaida phir kya jo gird-e-shamma parwaane rahe

Khair, tu saaqi sahi lekin pilaaye ga kisey
Ab na wo maikash rahe baaqi, na maikhaane rahe

Ro rahi hai aaj ik TooTi hui meena usey
Kal talak gardish mein jis saaqi k paimaane rahe

Aaj hain khaamosh wo dasht-e-junooN parvar, jahaaN
Raqs mein laila rahi, laila k diwaane rahe

Waaye nakaami, mataa-e-kaarvaaN jaata raha
KaarvaaN k dil se ehsaas-e-zyaaN jaata raha

· 2 Like · Dec 01, 2018 at 10:12
Category: love

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