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Poetry / General

Muzammil Shahzad

polio ki hai zaroori rok thaam
bar waqt iss ka intezaam
tandurusti ka hai zamin ye
iss lazim hai iss ka
hai ye bachon kay liye jaam sehat
tandurusti ki alamat hai ye jaam
hai agar darkaar hifzaan sehat
iss mission ko kijiyej logon mein aam
qoum kay mamaar hain bachay yhi
mulk ka jo kal gay nizaam
hai zaroori in ki zehni tarbiyat
in mein shayad hoooo koi abd
hai namoona jis ka qirdar o amal
hai zuba par har kisi ki jis ka naam
shayad in mein koi be hoooo
jis ka jaari aaj tak hai faiz aam
hai ali jis ka medaan amal
mulk ka roshan kya hai jis nay naam
koi shayad hoooo hakeem abd
jis ka hai hamdard ik naqsh dawaam
tha jo apnay app mein ik anjuman
khidmat khulq khuda tha jis ka kaam
jamia hamdard hai iss ka saboot
istifada kar rahay hain khaas o aam
har keh khidmat kard ou
zaat par sadiq hai unki ye kalaam
polio dur asal hai so rooh
iss ka keb nah janay ikhtitaam
hoooo saka iss ka nah abb tak sad bab

· 1 Like · Feb 08, 2015 at 16:02
Category: general

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