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Poetry / Sad

Muzammil Shahzad

Zulam seh kar bhi samajhta hoon k tu mera hai
Mairay dushman teray chehray pay lahoo mera hai

Subh e dam shehar ki shorish teray dum say ho gi
Raat kay pichlay pehar alam e hoo mera hai

Meray haathon mein chupay zakham say pehchaan mujhay
Teray daaman pay bhi ehsaan e rafoo mera hai

Ghir gaya hoon talatum mein bhi zindaan ke tarha
Halqa e mouj e rawaan toq e galoo mera hai

Dhoop chhaaon ki yeh rutt dil mein thehar janay day
Aks tera hai to sayaa lab e joo mera hai

Pathron say hai mohabbat mujhay youn bhi mohsin
Sungdil shehar mein aik aaina roo maira hai ....

· 1 Like · Jun 10, 2017 at 06:06
Category: sad

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