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Poetry / Sad

Ana Peh Chot Parey Bhi Toa Kaun Dekhta Hay..??
Dhuwaan Sa Dil Say Uthey Bhi To Kaun Dekhta Hay..??

Ujaar Ghar Kay Kisi Be sadaa Darechay Mein..!!
Koi Chiragh Jalay Bhi Toa Kaun Dekhta Hay..??

Hajoom-e-Shaher Say hatt kar, Hadood-e-Shaher Kay Bad..!!
Woh Muskara Kar Milay Bhi To Kaun Dekhta Hay..??

Jis Aankh Mein Koi Chehra Na Koi Aks-e-Talab...!!
Woh Aankh Jal Kay Bujhey Bhi Toa Kaun Dekhta Hay..??

Hajoom-e-Dard Mein Kia Muskurana K Yahan ..!!
Khizaan Mein Phool Khilay Bhi Toa Kaun Dekhta Hay..??

Milay Baghair Jo Mujse Bichar Gaya Mohsin..!!
Woh Raastay Mein Rukay Bhi Toa Kaun Dekhta Hay..??

· 1 Like · Sep 02, 2017 at 21:09
Category: sad

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