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Poetry / Political

Muzammil Shahzad

ae watan kay azeem hukmraanon
ae watan kay azeem hukmraanon

saaray qarzay tumahray liye hain
ai aim f bhi tumahray liye hai

ai aim f bhi tumahray liye hai
ae watan kay azeem hukmraanon

baityon maaon behnon ki nazneen
in ko dekhin to yoon

lay kar in ko woh bazaar say phir
chaawal dal aur aata he layein

ae musharaf aur shaukat kahan ho
saaray karnay tumahray kiye hain

saaray karnay tumahray kiye hain
ae watan kay azeem hukmraanon

tum peh jo kuch likha sahafion nay
iss mein shaamil hai awaaz meri

urr kay ponchho gay tum jis mulk mein
saath jaye gi har aah meri

qoum kay ae azeem hukmraanon
saaray tumahray liye hain

ai aim f be tumahray liye hai
ae watan kay azeem

· 1 Like · Jan 09, 2015 at 21:01
Category: political

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