worship Punjabi Meaning
n. 1. of christians. Bandagi. F; namaz. F; dua. F; 2. morning prayer, public subha di namaz. F; 3. evening prayer, public. Sham di namaz. F; 4. muhammadan worshi. Namaz. F; namaj. F; these are prayers said five times each day.
to, v.t. 1. muhammadan. Namaz or namaj parhana
Worship is an act of religious devotion usually directed towards a deity. An act of worship may be performed individually, in an informal or formal group, or by a designated leader.
Synonyms adoration adulation awe beatification benediction chapel church service deification devotion exaltation genuflection glorification glory homage honor idolatry idolization invocation laudation love offering praise prayer prostration regard respect reverence rite ritual service supplication veneration vespers
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