truly Meaning and Definition
ایمانداری سے
imandari say
نمک حلالی سے
namak halali say
حقیقی طور پر
haqeeqi tour par
ٹھیک ٹھیک
theek theek
سچ سچ
sach sach
خط کے آخر میں آپ کا مخلص
khat kay aakhir mein aap ka mukhlis
View English Meanings of: imandarisaynamakhalalisayhaqeeqitourpartheektheeksachsachkhatkayaakhirmeinaapkamukhlis
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سچی مچی
Truly is an American rock band formed in the wake of the grunge era. It featured singer-guitarist Robert Roth, bassist Hiro Yamamoto, and drummer Mark Pickerel.
Synonyms absolutely accurately actually authentically beyond doubt beyond question confirmedly constantly correctly de facto definitely devotedly doubtlessly exactly factually faithfully firmly genuinely honestly honorably in actuality in fact in reality in truth legitimately loyally positively precisely reliably righteously rightly sincerely staunchly steadily surely truthfully unequivocally veraciously veritably very with devotion
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