rash Meaning and Definition
سرخ بادہ
surkh baadah
سرخ دانے
surkh danay
جلد باز
jald baaz
غیر محتاط
ghair mohtaat
بے دھڑک
bay dharak
A rash is a change of the skin which affects its color, appearance, or texture.
Synonyms adventurous audacious bold brash breakneck daring determined devil-may-care fiery foolhardy frenzied furious harebrained hasty headlong headstrong heedless hot-headed ill-advised ill-considered immature impetuous imprudent impulsive incautious indiscreet injudicious insuppressible irrational madcap overhasty passionate precipitant precipitate premature reckless thoughtless unguarded unthinking unwary venturesome venturous wild
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