offertory Meaning and Definition
خیراتی چندہ جمع کرنے یا بھینٹ چڑھانے کے وقت کی نماز
khairati chandah jama karnay ya bheent charhanay kay waqt ki namaz
The offertory (from Medieval Latin offertorium and Late Latin offerre) is the part of a Eucharistic service when the bread and wine for use in the service are ceremonially placed on the altar.
Synonyms allowance alms award benefaction benefit bequest bestowal bonus boon bounty charity contribution courtesy dispensation donation endowment fairing favor gifting giveaway goodie grant gratuity hand hand-me-down handout honorarium lagniappe largesse legacy libation oblation offering offertory philanthropy pittance premium presentation provision ration relief remembrance remittance reward souvenir subscription subsidy tip token tribute write-off
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