maltase Meaning and Definition
خَمیرِ شَعیر
خامرہ جو قَندِ شَعیر کو آب پاشیدگی کے ذَریعہ گُلوکوز میں تبدیل کَر دیتا ہے
Maltase (EC, alpha-glucosidase, glucoinvertase, glucosidosucrase, maltase-glucoamylase, alpha-glucopyranosidase, glucosidoinvertase, alpha-D-glucosidase, alpha-glucoside hydrolase, alpha-1,4-glucosidase, alpha-D-glucoside glucohydrolase) is an enzyme located in on the brush border of the small intestine that breaks down the disaccharide maltose.
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