young Sindhi Meaning
1 جانورن جا ٻچا:
Birds build nests for their young
پکی پنھنجن ٻچن لاءِ آکیرا ٺاھیندا آھن۔
2 (.pl)
the young ٻار ۽ نوجوان:
a television programme for the young
ٻارن ۽ نوجوانن جی لاءِ ٽیلیویزن جو پروگرام۔
جوان، ننڍو نیٽو، پٺو، ننڍیءَ عمر جو، ٻچٽ:
They have two young children
ھنن کی ٻه ننڍا ٻار آھن؛
You're younger than me
تون مون کان ننڍو آھین۔
Synonyms adolescent blooming blossoming boyish boylike budding burgeoning callow childish childlike crude developing early fledgling fresh girlish girllike green growing half-grown ignorant inexperienced infant inferior junior juvenile little modern new newborn newish not aged pubescent puerile punk raw recent tender tenderfoot undeveloped undisciplined unfinished unfledged unlearned unpracticed unripe unseasoned untried unversed vernal youthful
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