waste Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for waste

بیڪار، ردی، بیڪار شَیٔ۔

1 زیان، تباھی، بربادی، اسراف؛

ڪنھن شَیٔ جو اجایو یا غلط استعمال:

It's a waste to throw away all this food

ھیءٍ سمورو کاڌو اڇلائڻ ته اجایو زیان آھی؛

This watch was a waste of money - it's broken already

ھن گھڙیءَ تی ته اجایا پئسا ضایع ٿیا اھا اڳیئی ڀڳل آھی!

2 ڪچرو، اڇلائڻ جھڙیون بیڪار شیون:

A lot of waste from the factories goes into this river

ڪارخانن جو بیشمار ڪچرو ھن دریاھه ۾ ھلیو وڃی ٿو۔

وڃائڻ، ضایع ڪرڻ؛

ڪنھن شَیٔ کی تمام گھڻو یا انتھائی لاپرواھیءَ سان استعمال ڪرڻ:

She wastes a lot of money on cigarettes

ھوءَ سگریٽن تی ڍاڍا پئسا وڃائی ٿی؛

He wasted his time at university - he didn't do any work

ھن پنھنجو وقت یونیورسٽیءَ ۾ وڃایو ۽ ڪو به ڪم نه ڪیائین۔

Sindhi Dictionary

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Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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WASTE was a peer-to-peer and friend-to-friend protocol and software application developed by Justin Frankel at Nullsoft in 2003 that features instant messaging, chat rooms, and file browsing/sharing capabilities.
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