vehemently Urdu Meaning
Vehemently - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Vehemently (پر زور طریقے سے - pur zor tareeqay say), Total 4 meanings for Vehemently , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Vehemently , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
پر زور طریقے سے
pur zor tareeqay say
زور دار طریقے سے
zordar tareeqay se
تندی سے
tundi se
شدت سے
Shiddat se
Synonyms angrily awfully boldly brutally ferociously forcefully forcibly frantically frenziedly frighteningly furiously hard horribly impetuously irresistibly madly maleficiently malevolently malignly mightily monstrous passionately riotously roughly savagely severely stormily tempestuously terribly threateningly tigerishly turbulently uncontrollably vehemently venomously viciously violently wildly
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