trace Sindhi Meaning
ڳولڻ، پیرو، کڻڻ، نشان ڪرڻ، پتو لھڻ، نشان ھٿ ڪرڻ:
1 شخص یا شَیٔ کی ڳولڻ ۽ ھٿ ڪرڻ:
The police have traced the stolen car
پولیس چوری ٿیل گاڍیءَ جا پار پتا ھٿ ڪری ورتا آھن۔
2 لیڪِڻٍ، نقشو ڪڍڻ، تصویر تی سنھو پنو رکی اٍتارڻ۔
رَندٍ، پیرو، نشان، پِیٽو، ڍسٍ، پتو، اٍھڃاڻ، ڪا علامت:
The police could not find any trace of the missing child
پولیس کی گم ٿیل ٻار جو ڪو ڍس پتو نه ملی سگھیو۔
Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) was a NASA heliophysics and solar observatory designed to investigate the connections between fine-scale magnetic fields and the associated plasma structures on the Sun by providing high resolution images and observation of the solar photosphere, the transition region, and the corona.
Synonyms bit breath crumb dab dash drop element footmark footprint fragment hint indication intimation iota jot mark memento minimum nib nuance particle pinch proof record relic remains remnant scintilla shade shadow shred sign slot smell smidgen snippet soupcon speck spoor spot sprinkling strain streak suggestion survival suspicion taste tincture tinge tittle token touch track trail tread trifle vestige whiff whisper
Antonyms lot
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