thing Sindhi Meaning
شَیٔ، ٽولٍ، ڳالھه، معاملو، ڪم:
1 ڪا شَیٔ:
?What's that red thing
ھوءَ ڳاڙھی شَیٔ ڇا آھی؟
2 ڪیل یا ٿیل ڳالھه:
A strange thing happened to me yesterday
ڪلھه مون سان ھڪ عجیب ڳالھه ٿی۔
3 خیال یا موضوع:
We talked about a lot of things
اسان گھڻن ئی موضوعن تی ڳالھایو۔
4 (pl. things) پنھنجون یا ذاتی شیون:
?Have you packed your things for the journey
ڇا تو سفر لاءِ پنھنجو سامان ٻڌو آھی؟
Synonyms affair anything apparatus article being body business circumstance commodity concept concern configuration contrivance corporeality creature device element entity everything existence existent fact figure form gadget goods implement individual information instrument item machine material materiality matter means mechanism object occurrence part person phenomenon piece point portion shape situation stuff subject substance tool word
Antonyms nothing
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