tell Urdu Meaning
Tell - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Tell (کہنا - kehna), Total 11 meanings for Tell , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Tell , Synonyms, Antonyms, Image/Illustration, English Definition and more.
بیان کرنا
byaan karna
اظہار کرنا
izhaar karna
مشہور کرنا
mashhoor karna
حکم دینا
hukum dena
فیصلہ کر سکنا
faisla kar sakana
رائے شماری کرنا
raye shumari karna
مامور کرنا
mamoor karna
View English Meanings of: kehnabolnabyaankarnasunanaizhaarkarnamashhoorkarnabatlanahukumdenafaislakarsakanarayeshumarikarnamamoorkarna
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.A tell or tel, from Arabic: تَل, tall, Hebrew: תֵּל, is a type of archaeological mound created by human occupation and abandonment of a geographical site over many centuries.
Synonyms acquaint advise announce apprise authorize bid blow open call upon clue in command confess declare direct disclose divulge enjoin explain express fill in give facts give out hand impart inform instruct keep posted lay open leak leave word let know let slip level make known mention notify open up order proclaim put before recite reel off report represent require reveal say speak state summon utter
Antonyms listen
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