Urdu Meanings
iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Synonyms and Antonyms for tat
International Languages
Meaning for tat found in 7 Languages.
Related Posts in iJunoon
4 related posts found for word tat in iJunoon Website
- If 10 People Care 4 U
71...at would be me again....If no one cares 4 U,that means I M not in this ...
- Those €کmidnight Teas’,
...at fight 4em’, â€کfrying nuts’..making rowses bunking classes,calculating attendance percentage, copying tests and ass.:) gettin kicked out of class.. ’struggle 4marks’, â€کwritin on desks’, â€کfight wit teacher...
- Midnight Teas….
...at fight 4em', 'frying nuts'..making rowses bunking classes,calculating attendance percentage, copying tests and ass.:) gettin kicked out of class.. 'struggle 4marks', 'writin on desks', 'fight wi...
- I Always Thought Loving Some1
72...at loving a friend is even better, we lose ppl we love but we never lose...
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