tactless Urdu Meaning
Tactless - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Tactless (بے تکے پن کا - bay tukay pan ka), Total 3 meanings for Tactless , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Tactless , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
بے تکے پن کا
bay tukay pan ka
ناتجربہ کار
na tajarba kaar
Synonyms awkward blundering boorish brash bungling clumsy crude discourteous gauche gruff harsh hasty impolite impolitic imprudent inconsiderate indelicate indiscreet inept injudicious insensitive maladroit misunderstanding rash rough rude sharp stupid thoughtless uncivil unconsiderate undiplomatic unfeeling unkind unperceptive unpolished unsubtle unsympathetic untactful unthinking vulgar
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