specific Sindhi Meaning
1 ڪو خاص:
?Is there anythin specific that you want to talk about
ڇا ڪو اھڙو خاص معاملو آھی جنھن جی باری ۾ تون ڳالھائڻ چاھین ٿو۔
2 بلڪل صحیح ۽ واضح:
He gave us specific instructions on how to get there
ھن اسان کی بلڪل صحیح ۽ واضح ھدایتون ڍنیون ھیون ته اتی ڪیئن پھچی۔
The Sustainable Product Engineering Centre for Innovative Functional Industrial Coatings (SPECIFIC) is an academic and industrial consortium led by Swansea University with Tata Steel as the main industrial partner.
Synonyms bull%27s eye categorical characteristic clean-cut clear-cut cut fine dead on definite definitive different distinct distinguishing downright drawn fine especial exact explicit express flat out individual limited nailed down on target outright peculiar precise reserved restricted right on set sole special specialized straight out unambiguous unequivocal unique
Antonyms general
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