sit Sindhi Meaning
1 ویھڻ:
We sat in the garden all afternoon
اسان سڄی ٽپھری باغ ۾ ویٺاسین؛
She was sitting on the sofa
ھوءَ صوفی تی ویٺل ھئی۔
2 (sit down به) ویھی رھڻ:
Come and sit next to me
اچو ۽ منھنجی ڀرسان ویھو۔
3 امتحان ڍیڻ:
The students will sit their exams in June
شاگرد جون ۾ پنھنجا امتحان ڍیندا۔
sit up
لیٽیل حالت مان اٿی ویھڻ:
He sat up in bed and looked at the clock
ھو پلنگ تی اٿی ویٺو ۽ گھڙیال ڍٺائین۔
SIT may refer to:
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