screed Urdu Meaning
Screed - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Screed (پلاسٹر کرنے کی پٹی - palaster karnay ki patti), Total 3 meanings for Screed , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Screed , Synonyms, Antonyms, Image/Illustration, English Definition and more.
پلاسٹر کرنے کی پٹی
palaster karnay ki patti
طولانی قصہ
tolani qissa
شکایت کا طومار
shikayat ka tomaar
Screed has three meanings in building construction. 1) a flat board (screed board, floating screed) or a purpose-made aluminium tool used to smooth and true materials like concrete, stucco and plaster after it has been placed on a surface or to assist in flattening; 2) a strip of plaster or wood applied to a surface to act as a guide for a screed tool (screed rail, screed strip, screed batten); 3) the material itself which has been flattened with a screed (screed coat).
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