ringbone Urdu Meaning
Ringbone - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Ringbone (ٹھیونا - ), Total 3 meanings for Ringbone , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Ringbone , English Definition and more.
گھوڑے کی سُم اور ٹَخنے کے دَرمِیان واقِع ہَڈّی پَر گَٹّے پَڑ جانے کا عمَل
ٹَخنے کی ہَڈّی کا مَریضانَہ اُبھار
Ringbone is exostosis (bone growth) in the pastern or coffin joint of a horse. In severe cases, the growth can encircle the bones, giving ringbone its name.
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