ridicule Punjabi Meaning

Punjabi Dictionary

Punjabi Meaning for ridicule

to, v. t. makhaul karna ; thattha karna ; or marna ; jugat karna ; angguli te nachauna ; hujjat karni ; thantthe vichch udauna ; takor karna ; thitth karna ; the people ridiculed us. Lokan. That the nal sanun thith kita ;

Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary

English to Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary


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Ridicule (French pronunciation: ​[ʁidikyl]) is a 1996 French film set in the 18th century at the decadent court of Versailles, where social status can rise and fall based on one's ability to mete out witty insults and avoid ridicule oneself.
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