redress Urdu Meaning
Redress - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Redress (تلافی - talaafi), Total 7 meanings for Redress , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Redress , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
ٹھیک کرنا
theek karna
درست کرنا
durust karna
چارہ سازی کرنا
charah saazi karna
خرابی دور کرنا
kharabi door karna
تلافی کرنا
talaafi karna
داد رسی کرنا
daad rassi karna
حق دینا
haq dena
View English Meanings of: theekkarnadurustkarnacharahsaazikarnakharabidoorkarnatalaafikarnadaadrassikarnahaqdena
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.In film, a redress is the redecoration of an existing movie set, so that it can double for another set.
Synonyms aid amendment amends assistance atonement balancing change conciliation correction cure ease help indemnity justice offsetting payment quittance re-establishment recompense rectification reformation rehabilitation relief remedy remission remodeling renewal repair reparation reprisal requital restitution retribution return revision reward reworking satisfaction vengeance
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