rebuke Punjabi Meaning
n. jhirak. F; gurki. F; hirak jhirak. F; dabba. M; waraj. M; dutkara. F; see reproof.
to. V. t. daba marna ; jhar suttna ; dabka dena ; jhirakna ; warajna ; jhirak jhamb kar dena ; dudkarna ; dabaka dena ; see reprove.
In English law and the canon law of the Church of England, a rebuke is a censure on a member of the clergy.
Synonyms admonishment admonition affliction bawling out berating blame castigation censure chewing-out chiding comeuppance condemnation correction criticism disapproval dressing down earful expostulation going over hard time lecture lesson objurgation ostracism punishment put-down rap rating rebuff refusal remonstrance reprehension reproach reproof reproval repulse row scolding snub talking-to telling-of tongue-lashing upbraiding wig wigging
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