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10 related posts found for word organization in iJunoon Website
51...rganization Hezbollah shortly after take-off from A...
- International Labour Organisation Founded
... The International Labour Organization is founded. hashtagfounded hashtagT...
- Iopwe
16... International O...
- Aasthan Latif Welfare Society
... Web presentation of an organization dedicated to promote basic education a...
- Amreli Memon Association
... Welfare organization looking after basic needs of Amreli Me...
- Friendship
... FriendshipisafoundationofLOVE,loveisaorganizationofLIFE,lifeisadistrubutionofFEELINGS,fe...
- New Employee Manual
...rganization."" It was organized bysome of Hell-s finest minds; Hitler, Genghis Khan, and Josef Stalinworked night and day to create a 162-page manual documenting theexact terms of your coverage, but it all boils down to three points:1) You belong to the HMO. We mean that literally - as of now, theHMO owns you. To insure that you don-t forget your subscriber number,we will tattoo it to your forehead.2) You have been assigned a primary care physician. You will not betold your physician-s name. You may never see your physician. Yourphysician is imaginary. If you see any doctor without express writtenpermission of your imaginary primary care physician, you will beforced to pay full price, plus eat your weight in lard.3) You are not covered under this plan.TERMINATION - All employees will be given two weeks notice upon beingfired. We like to feel that this gives an employee a ""grace period""to steal all of the offi...
- Misc
- Except Me....
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