negative Urdu Meaning
Negative - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Negative (منفی - manfi), Total 4 meanings for Negative , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Negative , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
حرف نفی
harf e nafi
تردید بیانی
tardeed bayani
انکار کرنا
inkaar karna
نامنظوری کرنا
na manzoori karna
Synonyms abrogating absent adverse annulling antagonistic anti bad balky colorless con contrary contravening counteractive cynical denying detrimental disallowing disavowing dissentient dissenting gainsaying gloomy impugning invalidating jaundiced naysaying negatory neutralizing nullifying opposing pessimistic privative recusant refusing rejecting removed repugnant resisting resistive unaffirmative unenthusiastic unfavorable uninterested unwilling weak
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